30 Day Map Challenge 2023
Github Repo

Day 7 - Navigation

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The plan was to show you the way to Amarillo (from New York where Tony Christie's writers were situated)

Code and Data:

I initially tried using follium for this but had a lot of issues. Instead I had to use google to find the route and then manually harvest the co-ordinates so I could plot them on the map. I also built a mapbox style from scratch in the colour scheme used by the song's original almbum cover but for some reason plotly wasn't showing the location lables so I had to go with the standard mapbox v11 dark mode style instead. Overall felt pretty frustrated by this map because I was very excited by the idea, and not only does the route look pretty boring, but the overall look of the map does not at all reflect the effort that went into it.

Day 6 - Asia
Day 8 - Africa